A IMGIAP 2008111710072228

| Category: Professional

“A Milanese Napolitaine, one, for table five!” yelled the waiter in the direction of the kitchen where the famous chef, Rodolfo Monti, was tasting his world famous recipe known as “Spaghetti Putanesca with stinging nettle sauce”.

“Mmmh questo é eccellente, straordinario, splendido, incomparabile !” the chef exclaimed in ecstasy as a long strand of “spaghetti al dente” disappeared noisily, swallowed up in his mouth.

“Two lasagnas à la bolognaise, two, for the seven!” shouted again the head waiter with a new order.

“Wait un pó, I’m not una machina! ” steamed the “ maestro ” while he tasted his sixth spaghetti dripping with sauce.

“Humm, it’s ‘incommensurabile’, exquisite, exceptional, “ favolosi ”! the chef couldn’t stop from repeating himself with his mouth full, while dunking a hunk of bread in the sublime sauce and wiping his mustache with his sleeve.

FO 85500 – 19 x 18 x 41 cm (LWH)

| Category: Professional

‘Bowleggs’ Alfredo Pozzi, was an ace, a master at dribbling the ball. During the Richieri school matches no one could stop him. We all envied him. One day he managed to dribble past two huge brutes from sixth grade. Can you imagine that? He left them standing in their tracks. A genius. And the touch of the ball that he had was…..incredible. But of course, later, when he grew up, he learned to appreciate the good life, eat well, drink well…and you know, when we start to get a little chubby, things get complicated.

Last Sunday we had a match at the club. Listen-up, I’ll tell you what happened and it gives me goose bumps. Bowleggs Pozzi was playing number 10 position, after about 15 minutes, it was a shame to watch him. For his first corner kick, I don’t what happened, but, in fact, he wanted to kick the ball.

He got ready, took a few steps and ….made one of those magical kicks. If he had touched the ball, it would have been playable, but his stomach caused him to lose balance and he took a huge swipe in the grass.

This week, I tried calling every day, but didn’t get an answer…I don’t know, he must have left on a trip.

FO 85516 - 17 x 17 x 37 cm (LWH)

| Category: Professional

The cup, of which he dreamed holding in his hand for so many times, became a reality. Neither the sprain in his shoulder blade, nor the horrible tendonitis in his left arm could keep the tenacious Gustavo Lanzaro from raising up high the trophy that he had just won. The ‘missiles’ at 249 km/h which his opponent was firing managed to break 4 rackets, but not his moral courage.

His coach, the famous Spaniard Pepe Galleta, inspired by the renown ‘Serrano’ ham, made him follow a strict diet of only and exclusively acorns for the period of one year. The hard months of training were terrible, but compared to such an excellent victory, the sacrifice seemed justified.

The only unpleasant thing was the beastly bad breath which wouldn’t go away and the pronounced aversion for the Iberico ham.

FO 85511 - 20 x 17 x 44 cm (LWH)


| Category: Professional

The hole was far away, Mauro Rugolin needed to hit hard, but with accuracy. He knew he could do it; several times, he had seen Tiger do the same. That afternoon, a crowd had come to see him and they were all hoping to witness his magnificent drive.

He spread his legs exactly how one should. In perfect synchronization, he initiated a rotation of his shoulders and waste while stabilizing his right knee just a little. At first, he glanced an instant at his distant objective while drawing a small smile of self-importance. He continued his impeccable movement while concentrating on the little white ball.

He remained immobile several seconds and with all his force…gave a tremendous whack lifting an enormous clod of earth. The little ball was never found, but the clod of earth finished its arc on the head of the referee, who had to be hospitalized because of a huge bruise above his left eye.

FO 85504 - 26 x 18 x 38 cm (LWH)

| Category: Professional

After having watched during his entire childhood ‘The Lucille Ball Show’, Pipo Saulle, became a television addict. He watches every series and soap opera that is shown. In his eyes, the remote control is the best invention since the tele. He doesn’t stop channel surfing a single instant and he knows all the showbiz gossip.

He knows the advertisements by heart and can guess the brand of a product even before it appears on the screen; at this game, he is unbeatable. When he wins, he raises his arms to the sky, makes the V for victory sign and yells while circling the coffee table “I won, I won.”

His other passion is popcorn and hamburgers which he chasses down with enormous gulps of ice cold beer. My God! Life is good! If he didn’t have to work, he would have the impression of being in paradise.

FO 85506 - 38 x 23 x 20 cm (LWH)