The cup, of which he dreamed holding in his hand for so many times, became a reality. Neither the sprain in his shoulder blade, nor the horrible tendonitis in his left arm could keep the tenacious Gustavo Lanzaro from raising up high the trophy that he had just won. The ‘missiles’ at 249 km/h which his opponent was firing managed to break 4 rackets, but not his moral courage.
His coach, the famous Spaniard Pepe Galleta, inspired by the renown ‘Serrano’ ham, made him follow a strict diet of only and exclusively acorns for the period of one year. The hard months of training were terrible, but compared to such an excellent victory, the sacrifice seemed justified.
The only unpleasant thing was the beastly bad breath which wouldn’t go away and the pronounced aversion for the Iberico ham.
FO 84008 - 10 x 10 x 23 cm (LWH)
The hole was far away, Mauro Rugolin needed to hit hard, but with accuracy. He knew he could do it; several times, he had seen Tiger do the same. That afternoon, a crowd had come to see him and they were all hoping to witness his magnificent drive.
He spread his legs exactly how one should. In perfect synchronization, he initiated a rotation of his shoulders and waste while stabilizing his right knee just a little. At first, he glanced an instant at his distant objective while drawing a small smile of self-importance.
He continued his impeccable movement while concentrating on the little white ball. He remained immobile several seconds and with all his force…gave a tremendous whack lifting an enormous clod of earth. The little ball was never found, but the clod of earth finished its arc on the head of the referee, who had to be hospitalized because of a huge bruise above his left eye.
FO 84002 - 11 x 10 x 20 cm (LWH)
At the hospital in Rosario, all the male staff suffered from stiff necks. The administration decided to look into the problem and discovered that the cause was the sensual swaying of the hips of Doctor Evangelina Gonzalez. Her ample cleavage and tight dresses turned the heads of all the male staff, except Toni, the nurse, whose interest in the opposite sex was, well, an illusion.
The administration suggested to Doctor Gonzalez that she calm things down a little, but Evangelina wouldn’t listen. So they decided to transfer her to another unit. Two weeks later, all the cases of stiff neck disappeared, both doctors and patients. Because they all followed Evangelina. The only one who stayed was Toni.
FO 84006 - 9 x 9 x 24 cm (LWH)
Chris was a happy man, without the least doubt, a winner. “Fortune smiles at the courageous” he had the habit of saying. His schedule was always overbooked. When he wasn’t on a business trip he was at his office giving orders, talking on the mobile phone, sending messages and emails or buying and selling shares. A hyperactive.
When he traveled by plane, it was always in business class and taking advantage of his VIP status.
He wore only custom-made Italian shoes, English tailored suits and best quality shirts. He slept but 4 hours a night, dreaming of financial markets and stock options. He saw himself as future president of the company, until one day………a huge wave of stress and a terrible nervous breakdown led him to re-think his life.
He bought a mountain cabin, a hammock for two and from time to time went butterfly hunting.
Chris is really a happy guy
FO 84004 - 11 x 9 x 22 cm (LWH)
Paquita Gutiérrez was scared to death of dentists. For the last few days she has been tortured by a tooth. At first, she was hoping that it would simply go away, then she tried all the pain killers in the medicine cabinet. After 3 days, she went to see Carmen, her neighbor who did talking therapy. After 5 days, and not being able to stand it anymore, she made an appointment with the eminent dentist, the doctor Salomon Mimran, whose reputation was the talk of Paris. Paquita, her jaw deformed by an enormous abscess, sat down in the dentist’s chair as if it were the electric chair.
“Octor, is it goin to ‘urt?” asked Paquita, her words deformed by the inflammation.
“No madam, you won’t feel a thing”, lied the doctor, “you are in good hands. Let’s see, open up and we will look at this infected molar.”
“Ehh….is alwedy open” said Madame Gutiérrez.
At the fourth shot, the anesthesia began to take effect. She had the impression that her tongue was a piece of rag. She wanted to say something, but only could utter some guttural sounds. The doctor thought that it was going to be easy, but when the second pair of pliers broke in his hands, he began to have his doubts.
“Relax, everything is going fine” lied again the doctor as he put his foot on the left shoulder of his patient to gain better leverage. Paquita Gutiérrez regretted not having made her will. After 40 minutes of struggle, and after a super human effort, the doctor managed to extract the rebel tooth. With pride he studied it attentively and ….. began to feel drops of sweat drip down the back of his neck.
“Let’s see, open up…” said the doctor who shuddered when he saw that the tooth he held in his pliers was a pre-molar in perfect health.
FO 84005 - 10 x 9 x 21 cm (LWH)
“My brother said that I am too shy to ever have a girlfriend….But, because I am now an expert in computers, I have more than 8000 virtual friends. 6000 are women and, among them, there are 2500 with whom I have already experienced cyber-love. There is nothing better than being in love, it seems as if your heart is a hard disc beating at an intensity of 800mA and your brain is a USB 2.0/64 GB stick.
And yes, it’s true, I have always been a romantic person on the worldwide web 3.0 ! “
FO 84009 - 10 x 9 x 22 cm (LWH)
The defendant was accused of assault with a firearm and the robbery of two chickens and six eggs. Despite the testimony of four witnesses, the discovery of hundreds of feathers in his house, without speaking of a stew pot full of chicken bones and an old frying pan with leftovers of an omelette, the famous lawyer Mario Puzotti, at the end of an eloquent defence, managed to persuade the jury of his client’s innocence and to convince them that the true guilty one was society.
The accused was freed ipso facto and, under thundering applause and cries from the public of “encore, encore,” the talented lawyer was obliged to return several times to bow to his frenzied audience.
FO 84001 - 11 x 10 x 22 cm (LWH)
Doctor José Batle was a recognized expert in his field. His diagnoses, always exact, saved the lives of hundreds of people and earned him the admiration of high society. Everything was going perfectly until the day when, arrived to his office, the most well-known actress in Hollywood, the ravishing Marilyn Hayworth, victim of a sprained little finger.
Without wasting an instant, Doctor Batle had the patient take off her clothes to assure himself that she had no other complications anywhere on her body. After a thorough and detailed examination, he confirmed that…he had fallen deeply in love.
The diva thanked him for all his diligent attention and left the office leaving in the air behind her a suggestive perfume of camellia. Ever since that day, Doctor Batle never stops thinking of the great Marilyn, hoping that she sprains another finger so that he can perform a new examination, this time even more detailed.
FO 84003 - 9 x 9 x 24 cm (LWH)
“A Milanese Napolitaine, one, for table five!” yelled the waiter in the direction of the kitchen where the famous chef, Rodolfo Monti, was tasting his world famous recipe known as “Spaghetti Putanesca with stinging nettle sauce”.
“Mmmh questo é eccellente, straordinario, splendido, incomparabile !” the chef exclaimed in ecstasy as a long strand of “spaghetti al dente” disappeared noisily, swallowed up in his mouth.
“Two lasagnas à la bolognaise, two, for the seven!” shouted again the head waiter with a new order.
“Wait un pó, I’m not una machina! ” steamed the “ maestro ” while he tasted his sixth spaghetti dripping with sauce.
“Humm, it’s “incommensurabile ”, exquisite, exceptional, “ favolosi ”! the chef couldn’t stop from repeating himself with his mouth full, while dunking a hunk of bread in the sublime sauce and wiping his mustache with his sleeve.
FO 84000 - 9 x 9 x 21 cm (LWH)
Sergeant Germán Echeverría wasn’t afraid of fire. As a child, he loved to light his father’s cigarettes, he liked that so particular smell of suffer which comes from just lit matches. His mother always said, “Don’t play with fire or you are going to wet your bed”.
In the fall, he amused himself by making bonfires with his friends and then by throwing handfuls of salt on the flames, listening fascinated by the crackling of the salt. One night, after having burned all the fallen leaves in his yard, he dreamed that he was near a large tree and suddenly he had a horrible urge to pee which he did calmly and with great pleasure. The following morning, upon awaking, he made the most important decision of his life: from now on, he would combat fire without pity. He went to firemen’s school and today he is the Fire Chief of his neighborhood fire department. Everyone knows him as the “The Match”.
FO84010 – 12 x 12 x 22 cm (LWH)
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