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Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1158 Hits Category: Professional Written by Super User

The Skier
The ski instructor had told me clearly “You should get off at the first stop on the ski lift”. Well, here I am, I didn’t listen and I find myself… at the last stop, on a black trail looking down from the top of the mountain, eyes bulging, at an endless slope of 45°. A bead of sweat drips down my forehead forming a stalactite at the end of my nose. Two young girls were watching me, there was no way that I would give up, I made it look like “this is going to be easy for me”, I adjust my goggles, lean forward, stick my poles in the snow and launch myself at full speed. The next day in room 215 of the valley hospital, thanks to the one eye I could still open, I saw five doctors surrounding me, surprised to see me awake. “We have never seen anyone go down the mountain at such speed”, said one of the doctors. A nurse asked if she could take a selfie with me. It seems like I have become a star.
FO85537 – 20 x 18.5 x 43 cm (LWH)
Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1120 Hits Category: Felt tips Written by Super User

Felt tips with a glitter effect.

Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1260 Hits Category: Professional Written by Super User

The Photographer
“Some glamour!  That’s it, that’s it, some seduction. Click! Another one, very good, very good, and smile like a diva, put a spell on me, give me your femme fatal look.  Click!  Click! Click! Now the look of lust, eyes towards the camera. Click! Click!….Ok, another one, Click! Click!”
“Ok that’s it, Ok” said the model tired of so much fuss. “But Mom,” – answered Alberto Maccagno – “if I don’t practice with you, I’ll never become a fashion photographer.”
“But, me, I am fed up with all these flashes which singeing my eyelashes!” said the woman, while she sponged her sweat with a dishtowel, and walked out of the room to finish the leek soup that she had left on the stove.  “There’s no hope, people don’t understand me” thought Alberto. And just at that moment, his grandmother passed in front of the door…“Grandma, grandma, come, come, sit down on this stool…”
FO85538 – 20 x 19 x 39 cm (LWH)
Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1175 Hits Category: Felt tips Written by Super User

Felt tips with a magical effect: Use the white magic pen to colour over the 7 colours and they will change into 7 new colours.

Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1156 Hits Category: Professional Written by Super User

The Dentist
Paquita Gutiérrez was scared to death of dentists.  For the last few days she has been tortured by a tooth.  At first, she was hoping that it would simply go away, then she tried all the pain killers in the medicine cabinet.  After 3 days, she went to see Carmen, her neighbor who did talking therapy.  After 5 days, and not being able to stand it anymore, she made an appointment with the eminent dentist, the doctor Salomon Mimran, whose reputation was the talk of Paris.  Paquita, her jaw deformed by an enormous abscess, sat down in the dentist’s chair as if it were the electric chair.
 “Octor, is it goin to ‘urt?” asked Paquita, her words deformed by the inflammation.
“No madam, you won’t feel a thing”, lied the doctor, “you are in good hands. Let’s see, open up and we will look at this infected molar.”
 “Ehh….is alwedy open” said Madame Gutiérrez.
 At the fourth shot, the anesthesia began to take effect.  She had the impression that her tongue was a piece of rag.  She wanted to say something, but only could utter some guttural sounds.  The doctor thought that it was going to be easy, but when the second pair of pliers broke in his hands, he began to have his doubts.
 “Relax, everything is going fine” lied again the doctor as he put his foot on the left shoulder of his patient to gain better leverage.  Paquita Gutiérrez regretted not having made her will.  After 40 minutes of struggle, and after a super human effort, the doctor managed to extract the rebel tooth.  With pride he studied it attentively and ….. began to feel drops of sweat drip down the back of his neck.
“Let’s see, open up…” said the doctor who shuddered when he saw that the tooth he held in his pliers was a pre-molar in perfect health.
FO 85515 - 17 x 18 x 40 cm (LWH)
Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1192 Hits Category: Professional Special Edition Written by Super User

The cup, of which he dreamed holding in his hand for so many times, became a reality. Neither the sprain in his shoulder blade, nor the horrible tendonitis in his left arm could keep the tenacious Gustavo Lanzaro from raising up high the trophy that he had just won. The ‘missiles’ at 249 km/h which his opponent was firing managed to break 4 rackets, but not his moral courage.

His coach, the famous Spaniard Pepe Galleta, inspired by the renown ‘Serrano’ ham, made him follow a strict diet of only and exclusively acorns for the period of one year. The hard months of training were terrible, but compared to such an excellent victory, the sacrifice seemed justified.

The only unpleasant thing was the beastly bad breath which wouldn’t go away and the pronounced aversion for the Iberico ham.

FO 84008 - 10 x 10 x 23 cm (LWH)

Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1123 Hits Category: Felt tips Written by Super User

Felt tips with a metallic effect.

Created: Thursday, 01 January 1970 00:00
( 0 Votes ) 
1086 Hits Category: Professional Special Edition Written by Super User

The hole was far away, Mauro Rugolin needed to hit hard, but with accuracy. He knew he could do it; several times, he had seen Tiger do the same. That afternoon, a crowd had come to see him and they were all hoping to witness his magnificent drive.

He spread his legs exactly how one should. In perfect synchronization, he initiated a rotation of his shoulders and waste while stabilizing his right knee just a little. At first, he glanced an instant at his distant objective while drawing a small smile of self-importance.

He continued his impeccable movement while concentrating on the little white ball. He remained immobile several seconds and with all his force…gave a tremendous whack lifting an enormous clod of earth. The little ball was never found, but the clod of earth finished its arc on the head of the referee, who had to be hospitalized because of a huge bruise above his left eye.

FO 84002 - 11 x 10 x 20 cm (LWH)